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Wall clock with day of the week
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame
Office wall clock
kitchen wall clock
kitchen wall clock
day of the week clock
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame
DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame

DayClocks Day-of-the-Week 10" Wall Clock with Aluminum Frame

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DayClocks -- Wall Clocks that answer "What Day Is It?"

Losing track of what day it is? A DayClocks wall clock can fix that. Call it a week clock or weekday clock or a retirement clock, you’ll never lose track of the day of the week again -- one glance at your DayClock and your week in on track.

  • 10 inch aluminum frame with glass cover
  • The single clock hand completes one full rotation every seven days
  • Outer ring marks time at 3 hour intervals 6-9-12-3-6
  • 2nd ring tracks progression through the week days 
  • 3rd ring traces day/night transition
  • 2" extra deep frame adds dimension to wall clock
  • Easy-to-read bold lettering and clear markers for noon and midnight
  • Powered by a single AA battery so you can place it anywhere you like. Just set it, hang it, and enjoy your new weekly companion.

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As the original family-owned DayClocks in business since 2003, we stand behind this product with a 5 year warranty. Return or exchange within 90 days and contact us for support any time.


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